3rd edition of the Medical Law Forum – Warsaw, May 23-24th, 2025 r.
Call for papers: March 16th, 2025 r.
Attendance registration: May 22nd, 2025 r.
Registration form: https://forms.gle/cfhioh8iQjss27Fy8
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at: forum@przegladprawamedycznego.pl
We invite you to the 3rd edition of Medical Law Forum, during which theoreticians and practitioners will meet again to discuss medicine, law and their intersections
The Medical Law Forum is an annual scientific conference with a long tradition, the first of its kind in the country, organized since 1999 and always inextricably linked to the activities of the scientific journal Law and Medicine - now the Medical Law Quarterly. The two ventures interact with each other, contributing to the scientific potential of the consideration of medical law and medical ethics. They serve to exchange experiences between doctors, lawyers and philosophers, and foster creative building of interdisciplinary bridges and enrichment of medical-legal thought, as well as in-depth discussions.
Keeping the long-standing tradition, the speeches at the Forum are mainly from lawyers, and intended for doctors. They are planned as a kind of legal and ethical support for the future, to practice medicine with respect for the rights and autonomy of patients. For lawyers, on the other hand, the medical perspective is valuable, showing areas where ready-made legal prescriptions fail when confronted with clinical reality, while ethicists provide broad perspectives for evaluation.
The idea of the conference is to have a comprehensive exchange of legal-ethical-medical thought on a common scientific plane, to build an intellectual community across any divide of professional and scientific interests. We hope for the participation of representatives of various medical communities, including universities, as well as the participation of lawyers from different academic centers and professional groups.
The leitmotif of the 3rd edition of the Forum will be the breeze of change” in medical law and medical ethics - which is taking place not only in connection with the enactment of the new Code of Medical Ethics, but is also influenced by likely and expected changes in the law itself, which can be expected in connection with the progressive work of the codification committees involving the academic community as well.
The organizers have right to select abstracts on the basis of merit and compatibility with the intended scope of the topic.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at: forum@przegladprawamedycznego.pl
Venue: Medical University of Warsaw, conference room (level -1) at Children’s Clinical Hospital UCC MUW, ul. Żwirki i Wigury 63a, Warsaw Fee Registration and attendance is free of charge
- Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny
- Interdyscyplinarna Pracownia Prawa Karnego Medycznego i Farmaceutycznego (WPiA UW)
- Komitet Bioetyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Under the honorary patronage of the Rector of Warsaw Medical University - prof. dr hab. Rafał Krenke
Organizing committee:
- dr hab. Maria Boratyńska, prof. ucz. - Head of the Comittee
- dr hab. Tatiana Chauvin, prof ucz.
- dr Wojciech Rożdżeński
- mgr Krzysztof Ślaski - Secretary of the Comittee
- mgr Aleksander Wiaderek
- Michał Kropiwnicki
- Ryszard Przewoźniak
Scientific Council:
- dr hab. Maria Boratyńska, prof. ucz (WUM, UW, Komitet Bioetyki PAN)
- dr hab. Przemysław Konieczniak (Interdyscyplinarna Pracownia Prawa Karnego Medycznego i Farmaceutycznego WPiA UW)
- dr Joanna Różyńska (Komitet Bioetyki PAN)
Media Patronage: Medical Law Quarterly ; Forum Akademickie